New Thought Visionaries, Prosperity Experts & Spiritual Entrepreneurs Share Tools To Accelerate Your Abundance!
Register now to get access to this free, multimedia BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS &...
Explore the power of belief, the law of attraction, creative visualization & so much more to attain your goals!
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Meet The Teachers & Teachings Featured In The Believe & Receive BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS...
Mike Dooley
Thoughts Become Things
Dr. Joan Borysenko
Co-Creating With Divine Mind
Founder of AVAIYA University
Ande Anderson
Co-Owner of AVAIYA University
Dr. Joe Vitale
The 3 Day Rule: How to Accelerate Your Ability to Manifest
Marci Shimoff
Living In The Miracle Zone
Jack Canfield
The Success Principles: How to Break Through To Greater Success
Dr. Sue Morter
The Energy Codes: Your Role in Creating Your Life
Hale Dwoskin
Setting Your Abundance Free
Bob Proctor
Visually Interlaced Brainwave Entrainment: Being 100% Responsible
Bob Doyle
Visually Interlaced Brainwave Entrainment: The Power of Forgiveness
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Visually-Interlaced Brainwave Entrainment: Is Our Reality An Illusion?
Enter Your Name & Email Below To Join Us For The Believe & Receive BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS:
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Here's Just Some of What You'll Walk Away With...
Living The Life Of Your Dreams IS Possible For You!
Are limiting thoughts & beliefs keeping you from living your best life?
According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has up to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative.
Worse...your thoughts create your beliefs! This means 80% of your beliefs could be disempowering you in your career, relationships, health and more.
But don’t worry! That is about to change!
We invite you to join us for AVAIYA University's free BELIEVE & RECEIVE BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS, where we've brought together world renowned New Thoughts Visionaries, Prosperity Experts, Spiritual Entrepreneurs & more to help you unravel limiting beliefs & open up to receiving all the good that’s waiting for you!
Enter Your Name & Email Below To Join Us For The Believe & Receive BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS!
Explore the power of thought, the law of attraction, creative visualization & so much more to attain your goals!
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If you’re sick of the same old disempowering thoughts & beliefs and you’re ready to permanently shift your life for the're in for an amazing experience!
The BELIEVE & RECEIVE BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS was designed to give you practical strategies, tools & tips that you can apply right away to harness the power of belief, and experience a life of deep satisfaction, prosperity, connection, and joy.
The loving teachers & teachings featured in this multimedia event have collectively helped millions of people tap into their inner-power, make more money, cultivate healthy relationships, and permanently shift their life for the better.
And, now, it’s your turn for them to help you. Will you join us?
Register now to get access to this multimedia event...
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iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, MS, RD are the Co-Owners of AVAIYA University. AVAIYA University create courses, books, online conferences & films such as Overcoming Codependency, The Truth About Prosperity, The Tao of Quantum Physics, MPower: Empowering Women in Business & Beyond, Be Do Succeed, and many more.
Thousands of people from across the globe have attended AVAIYA University's past online conferences! Lives have been transformed and the feedback they've received has been so incredible that they continue creating life-changing, educational events for you and others to tune into and learn from.
In a world often viewed as problematic by many, AVAIYA believes that what we each focus on and present to the world creates what is reflected back to us. Because of this philosophy, AVAIYA creates only POSITIVE media, online conferences, and workshops to share with the world. Introducing the BELIEVE & RECEIVE BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS! Be sure to get registered right now using the registration box below and don't miss out on this life-changing event.
Save Your Spot Below & Receive Access to Profound Wisdom from 10 Extraordinary Teachers & Teachings...
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