26+ Doctors, Therapists, Relationship Experts & More Share Life-Changing Strategies to Break Free From Codependency
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Overcoming Codependency & Building a Thriving, Healthy Relationship IS Possible For You!
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We've brought together over 26 of the world's most renowned experts in the area of Codependency recovery, to help you break free from the grip Codependency has on your life and/or the lives of those you love.
In this 7-day immersion event, we’ll be talking with doctors, authors, therapists, psychologists, thought leaders, counselors and more! They will be sharing what Codependency is, what’s it’s not, how Codependency has evolved over time, and most importantly, how you can become AWARE of your Codependent tendencies and behaviors to overcome them.
The Overcoming Codependency event was designed to give you practical tools and techniques that you can apply right away to start loving yourself, start being responsible for yourself and your life, and to start building healthy, thriving relationships.
Because guess what? YOU ARE AMAZING! And chances are, you haven’t been telling yourself this enough!
The leaders featured in this event have collectively helped millions of people, like yourself, live a life of freedom, full self-expression, love, and connectedness.
And, now, it’s your turn for them to help you. Are you in?
Overcoming Codependency Speakers, Agenda & Topics
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Sherry Gaba
Enabling Behaviors: The Truth About Codependency
Dr. Jean LaCour
Roots of Codependency: Getting to the Source of Our Patterns
Brian Pisor
The 'Achilles Heel' Of Codependents And How To Strengthen It
Terri Britt
The Enlightened Family
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Darlene Lancer
Conquering Codependency: A Journey to Freeing The True You
Terry Real
Developmental Immaturity Issues Stemming From Childhood Trauma
Rosemary O'Connor
Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Negative Self-Talk
Lila Sophia & David Tresemer
Co-Dependence to Independence (and True Freedom in Love)
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Terry Gaspard
Daughters of Divorce: Overcoming the Legacy of Divorce & Building Healthy Relationships
Dr. Elsbeth Meuth &
Freddy Zental Weaver
Tantric Intimacy Practices to Create Lasting Love & Intimacy
Sharon Martin
How to Prioritize Your Needs, Set Boundaries & Take Care of Yourself Without Feeling Guilty
Valerie Mason-John
Transforming Codependency
[headline style="18" align="center" headline_tag="h2" line_height="1" highlight="%23c42fc9" top_margin="0" bottom_margin="0"]
David Richo
Codependency in Relationships
Candace Plattor
Codependency & Addiction: The Cunning Connection
Neil Sattin
Creating a Deep, Loving Relationship Free from Codependence
Dawn Clancy
Codependency 101
[headline style="18" align="center" headline_tag="h2" line_height="1" highlight="%23c42fc9" top_margin="0" bottom_margin="0"]
Shena Tubbs
Codependence Recovery for Love Addicts
Christine Askew
Breaking The Patterns From The Past
Linda & Charlie Bloom
Breaking Free From Codependent Patterns
Lisa Sue Woititz
Unwelcome Inheritance: Break Your Family’s Cycle of Addictive Behaviors
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Deanna Richards
Healing "Me," Healing "We": A Focus on LGBTQ+ Relationships
Dr. Dean Robb
Codependency, Self-Esteem & Your Inner Gold
Carolyn Hobbs
Replacing Unhealthy Codependence with the Unlimited Joy, Love & Inner Peace We’re All Born With
Lori & Bob Hollander
5 Signs You’re In a Codependent Relationship & How to Recover
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Robert Burney
Uncover, Discover, Recover - Understanding The Core Dynamics of Codependency
Dr. Deb Hirschhorn
The Secret Sauce To Banishing Codependency
Ian Macnaughton
Intergenerational Trauma: Its Effects on Codependency, Connection & Love
Joshua Sylvae
Personal Trauma: Its Effects on Codependency, Connection & Love
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After You Register You Will Gain Access To A FREE Subscription to Recovery Today Magazine!
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Here's Just Some Of What You'll Learn...
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How to turn your focus INWARD and learn to love yourself unconditionally, build your self-esteem & self respect
How to build a Healthy, Loving, Connected relationship WITHOUT losing who YOU are
How to Let Go of Perfectionism, People-Pleasing, and trying to Control others and circumstances outside of you
How to break free from Addictive, Unhealthy Patterns and Cycles you learned as a child & Start Living YOUR life
How to Set Boundaries, Prioritize Your Needs & Take Care of Yourself Without Feeling Guilty
How to let go of the Past, Shame, Guilt & Fear, and step into your new life of Freedom, full Self-Expression & Connectedness
And So Much More!
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Your Overcoming Codependency Event Host
Ande Anderson, MS, RD and her partner iKE ALLEN, are the Founders of AVAIYA Media. AVAIYA creates films, courses, and online conferences such as The Truth About Prosperity, MPower: Empowering Women in Business & Beyond, The Tao of Quantum Physics, Be Do Succeed, and many more.
Thousands of people from across the globe have attended AVAIYA's past online conferences! Lives have been transformed and the feedback they've received has been so incredible that they continue creating free, educational events for you and others to tune into and learn from.
In a world often viewed as problematic by many, AVAIYA believes that what we each focus on and present to the world creates what is reflected back to us. Because of this philosophy, AVAIYA creates only POSITIVE media, online conferences, and workshops to share with the world.
Introducing the Overcoming Codependency Online Conference! Be sure to get registered right now using the registration box below and don't miss out on this life-changing event.
Save Your Seat Now For This Free Online Conference
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