Part of iKE ALLEN’S “InnerViews Series”
iKE: Michael, can you share your thoughts on how our perception is an illusion?
Michael: If you look at a baby, it sees the world as energy in motion. If you look @ an adult, an adult needs a big microscope, very powerful microscope to look @ matter and say yes it’s moving, it’s moving, and the baby’s going yeah, there’s nothing but movement, it’s all energy in motion. So what happened between the baby’s experience and the adult’s experience that caused this world to matter so much? Why does this world matter so much to us? That’s a good question. It’s a perceptual spell that we’re in. we’re spellbound. That’s why a trance that’s fixed on the physical. We’re spellbound. A baby isn’t spellbound yet.
But there’s something about coming in and entering matter, call it the entry into the mother, in other words to bring what we are into the matter into the conditional world, and when we are truly anchored in here, to awaken to what we really are while we’re in it. That’s the game. And the consequences of accomplishing that are profound. Every time someone does it, we either worship them or kill them. It really impacts us. What happens when hundreds and thousands start awakening, what’s the consequences of that? It’s incomprehensible. And that is the invitation of this moment for us. That’s the invitation of the moment. Can I really show up here? Can I really show up, 100% here now? That’s the game. And once one is playing that game there is no other game to play. You can’t go back and tgo well I’m really here to earn a living. I mean I’m here to earn a living when I’m alive? Doesn’t make any sense. I’m here to show up. That’s really being available. I’m here to be here. Can I fully be in this experience. Not bring peace to the earth but can I actually realize peace while I’m on it, despite what’s going on. Can I realize peace within this? That’s the game.
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We can get distracted by running off trying to make peace. It’s like running around saying save the mother save the mother when I can’t sit at peace with my own mother around dinner table because I perceive there’s a difference between my mother and this mother. So first can I realize peace with being with myself. Am I comfortable being who I am. Then am I comfortable being around my family. Then am I comfortable truly with another human being. And only once I’m comfortable in those three places then I can consciously approach what god is for me. Because what god is for me is essentially available to me as a feeling. And that’s the role of intimacy. The role of intimacy, when I come together with another to explore intimacy, is we awaken a portal together, it’s like the holy grail, the missing link.
We awaken this portal which is this experience we have when we’re together which comes out of being completely unconditional with each other which requires deprogramming each other so intensely. But once I have that experience it’s a feeling so powerful, it’s the common experience. What is love? Love is the common experience. I’m having my own interpretation of this experience, you’re having your own interpretational experience. But there’s a common experience. That common experience is what love is. That common experience, common sense, what god is. But we come together and work with each other to confirm it when it’s happening, and to realize it and it comes out and awakens as this direct experience, and when we have that direct experience then we can navigate into an absolute awakened experience of what god is for us, with what we are. It’s the last step. And that’s why when we haven’t been aware of that part of the journey yet. So you’ll find that even religions and a lot of things are sedating and controlling that part of the experience. Because when I come together with another and enter holy communion with them and realize god through that, what do I need a priest for? What do I need a church for? A book? My experience becomes the way, I am the way, none come through god but through me in other words it’s my experience that’s gonna lead me into that. And until I take my experience as being the truth I’ll never be at peace. Why I’m still believing someone else’s experience. My experience is, the heart reveals this to us. The moment we intend to enter the heart to seek out the answer to these questions, it’s about working with our own direct experience, above and beyond what anyone tells us. And for my own journey, I was on a journey for many years since I can remember being in this world, where I’ve been curious about being here. And everything anyone told me about it has been wrong. And anything my experience has shown me has been right. The shift over for me was the moment from when I went and said okay I’m not taking you as my teacher anymore. I’m not taking the book as my teacher anymore. I’m not taking rituals and dogmas as my teacher any more. I’m now going to take the moment that I’m in and how I’m experiencing it to be my teacher. And I’m going to ask questions and the answers will come up as my experience, not as some mental concept. And the moment I made that shift then things started to happen. Then what I was became real to me, became authentic, what god was became real to me and now being with another human being in an experience of intimacy, I realize why there are many organizations that go “oh you mustn’t go there.†Because once you go there what do you need them for? Once we realize the relationship between Magdalene and jesus, it’s going to go “okay got it.†The last thing we want to know is know mary magdalene’s role in all of this. In that story, we’re talking again about stories. That’s a profound story and that story has all the clues. Even the crucifixion is the clue. The crucifixion says nothing you can do physically with your hands can help you realize what is true so hammer then down. Nowhere you can go with these feet, no sacred site, machu pichu anything will help you know what’s true. Might as well hammer them down. Okay now you’re starting to have an experience. Be with what’s happening with you in the moment. And while you’re sitting there the heat of your emotional body is going to come up. The fear anger and grief that you have been running away from by your doings and by your going to different places, these will come up. And when you allow yourself to sit in this it will awaken your feeling capacity to the point that you can realize what you are, what god is for you, and where you are. That heaven is now. That you’re really god. People go, this is death. This is not death, this is a physical shift of the experience. The real death is when the child says I can’t be myself anymore. What do I have to pretend to be to make, make the adult. Going from presence to pretense, from spontaneity to calculation. The moment the child dies the person is dead. That’s the real death. We already died. And now we have to learn to rest in peace. We put on the tombstone RIP. While we’re here can we rest in peace? Because we can only when we awaken to this. Which is through the feeling body. That’s where we’re going now. We’re either going to the heart or to the traffic.